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HTML Programming:   Html is the language of the internet. It is universal to all browsers, and is what every web page is written in. At JNEC Pages, we create custom HTML hand in hand with you. The HTML is up to date with the fast-paced world of the internet.

Java Scripting:   Java is another programming language taking the internet by storm. It works interactively with the web surfer. It can create things such as moving objects, animations, calculators, calendars, and virtually anything your imagination can come up with.

CGI Scripting:   CGI-Common Gateway Interface- is very much like java, except it is only initiated when the web surfer initiates it. It creates search engines, guest books, and passwords. It is probably the most important thing a web page company can offer you.

Imaging:   JNEC Pages has professional artists that create custom images for your page. Many other companies have extra fees for images, but at JNEC Pages, we feel that images are essential to a good web page, therefore there is no extra charge. We will make as many images as you feel are necessary.

Secure Forms:   If your business feels that they may handle credit card orders or other sensitive information, secure order forms are a must. We guarantee our forms are secure, and will refund any lost money resulting from our forms.

Domain Name Registration:   Everywhere you look on the internet, you see domain name regitration offers. Well, we will take all the hassle out of finding the cheapest one, and for $130 provide you with two years of service with no addtional charges!

Search Engine Registration:   When you're looking for something on the internet, you look for it in search engines such as yahoo. We publish your page into 200 search engines for a very small fee. This service is free with all business sites.

Weekly Page Maintenece:   If you sign up for our weekly page maintenece service, you get weekly changes made on your page, no matter how big or small. You prepay three months of this service, and just call us up when you want a change made.

What's New
Jeff Peil named CEO
JNEC joins SBN
New Java and CGI support


SBN Magazine
PC Link

HTML Programming

Java and CGI Script

Custom Imaging

Search Engine and Domain Registration

Weekly Page Maintenance

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